Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dear Diary Ticket Information

New Life Church's Big House Student Productions will present Dear Diary, a play about today's youth for youth and adults, ages 12 and up, September 26-28 at 7 p.m. in the church auditorium, 500 Gougar Rd., New Lenox. This play features Billie, a typical teen who is dealing with depression, difficult friendships, messy family relationships and questions about faith. Her pressures mount until a life or death situation changes her perspective. Because of the seriousness of the issues, the Big House team requests that patrons respect the age guidelines. Discussion questions will be available on-line at for parents and church leaders who would like to follow up on the play's themes with their youth.

The cast includes: Kelly Sluis as Billie, Taylor Koegel as Mom, Vinnie Basile as Dad, Carly Feldmeier as Sharon, Kyle Oehler as Richard and Sarah Anderson as Grandma. Jessica Anderson and Maddi Balsitis are Back Stage Managers while Hope Cotter is serving as House Manager with youth leader Nancy Burke. Jon Zemke directs with the help of youth Jill Balsitis.

Tickets are $8/adults and $6/students and seniors. Group tickets for groups of 10 or more are available for $5 each. All tickets include a dessert reception during intermission. Non-group tickets are available on-line at Click on the Dear Diary icon on the home page. Or call 815-464-5870 for more information or for group ticket sales. Proceeds will benefit New Life Church Big House student ministries.

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